Not only are they smarter (improved AI – artificial intelligence), but they possess skills equal to Lara’s. The inventory system has been revamped to allow Lara to put items together inside the inventory to add a little more lethalness to her weaponry, or to make tools that help her along the way. Where this title stands out isn’t in the concept (it seems most role-playing games offer a hero against a foul evil spirit that seeks to control the world or universe), but rather in the way the game is constructed. That someone? You guessed it – Lara Croft. Lara has stumbled upon a lost tomb and unwittingly releases the ancient Egyptian god Set, a malevolent force who will plunge all of mankind into the darkness of his own foul evil unless someone stops him. That scenario reads like a Croft nightmare. Succeed in training and you advance to the main game.

Easier to save prior to attempting a feat, then if you fail, repeat from that point until you get it down.) Some of these skills take repeated efforts to master, and you don’t want to have to begin all over again. But just when you think Werner is trustworthy, the slime turns the tables and the real fun begins. Werner guides Lara through this level, teaching her how to use her skills, which include a few new abilities like swinging on ropes and climbing. Yes, that is the same Van Croy who has become Lara’s chief rival, and nemesis, in each of the previous three Tomb Raider titles (four, if you count the Tomb Raider II Gold release). The setting is Cambodia 1984 where a teen-age Lara is learning the tricks of archaeological skullduggery from Werner Van Croy. You can’t advance to the actual game itself without first working through this level. This program twists and turns quicker than a Rubik’s Cube. Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation is set solely in Egypt – albeit different regions, but the Land of the Pharaohs has a host of challenges that will chill, thrill and delight the role-playing gamer.

No more, and give credit to Eidos Interactive and Core Design for that. Since her debut, the quite-buxom, attitude-ridden and extremely talented and resourceful Lara has embarked upon a series of adventures that have spanned the globe.